Friday, September 30, 2011

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Help for Acid Reflux or Heart Burn

Help with Acid Re-Flux Disease (Heartburn):

  • Stay away from foods that can "trigger" acid reflux or heartburn.
  1. Caffeine (soda, coffee, energy drinks, V8 Juice).
  2. Tomatoes and Foods made with Tomatoes (Spaghetti, Ketchup, Lasagna).
  3. Garlic and foods with Garlic in them.

  • Antacids (Prilosec, Zantac, Pepsid) help for temporary relief if you want to go the medication route.
  • Lozenges (cough drops or Gum) - Can stimulate saliva and dilute acid in stomach reducing the acid reflux.
Acid Reflux occurs mostly at night making it difficult to sleep:
                But a big book under the bed posts’ at the head of the bed to have your head propped up to keep the acid down at night

Monday, September 12, 2011

FREE Women's Health 2012 Calendar!!

Go to the Women's Health Gov Site to enter your Information to receive your FREE Women's Health Calendar :)

*Calendars are to be shipped in December and allow 4-6 weeks for delivery

Gearing up for Mary Poppins and my New York trip

Guest post written by Lauren Foster

One of my favorite places in the world to visit is New York City. I've been about five our six times now and every time that I've gone I got hte idea to go on a trip because of a special Broadway play that's coming out that I want to see. This time around it's Mary Poppins. I remember the first time that I watched the movie, I was so excited about it and asked my mom why I didn't have a nanny. But my mom was a stay-at-home mom so that was a pretty easy explanation. Now that I'm going to see the play, I'm going to take my mom with me as a special treat for her birthday.

While I was looking online to see about ordering some discount tickets for the play, I ran across some information about a free hearing test and told my mom about it. She signed up for a test in a few weeks. I think if she gets fitted with some hearing aids she'll enjoy the play and our trip more.

I really can't wait to see the Mary Poppins play, but I think that I'm going to also see a few other plays while we're in town.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Vitamin and Mineral Supplements

  • Vitamins and Minerals are organic compounds that your body needs to function properly.
  • One long term study found that increased doses of Selenium may reduce the risk of lung, colon, breast, prostate and esophageal cancers.

  • Large doses of Vitamin A can cause fatigue, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and blurred vision.
  • The cheaper supplements are just as effective as the brand name ones.
  • Take a few supplements per day, not time released ones and take them with meals.

About Chinese Medicine

  • There are 2 basic concepts in Chinese medicine:
                   1.) All things in the universe (living and inanimate objects) are connected to one another.
                   2.) All living things are inhabited and animated by an invisible force called "qi" (pronounced "Chee").

  • In China, most of the country still rely on Chinese medicine.
  • Chinese only use their senses to diagnose what they hear, see, feel and smell.
  • Experienced Chinese doctors can distinguish up to 32 different pulse patterns.
  • Acupressure uses your fingers to stimulate specific parts of your body.
  • A good acupuncturist gets results in 6-12 sessions depending on the severity of the problem.

Health Tips From Dr. OZ !!

Stress Less – Financial Help/Tips – Solutions Less Than Five Dollars (-$5) 

Massages - are expensive but you can use “pool noodles” ($2) online
                                Lay on top of the “pool noodle” and roll your body over the noodle

Sleep Better:
Wine – Slows down neurotransmitters that are going back & forth in your brain keeping you awake

Sleep Well – (Five Dollar Solution) – Sound of Crackling Fire (Fire) + (ice) Sleep Ice Packs/Ice Pack inside pillow case

Liquid Melatonin (Online) – Helps Sleep

Weight Loss:
Salad Blaster Bowl (4.99) – Shake salad get dressing on salad
Psyllium – Fiber supplement makes you feel fuller so you won’t eat as much
Coconut Water – Metabolism booster because they contain argentine which speeds up metabolism                                      which burns off calories.
Onions can help reduce risk for colon cancer and breast cancer
                *Recommended Half an onion per day
Chick Peas/garbanzo – daily fiber, can get them in a bag for a better price
Pop Corn – a 32oz has polyphenals fight off cancer and heart disease
                *Buy kernels and air pop them to save money

Acid Reflux or Heart Burn
Stay away from things that can “trigger” acid re-flux:

- Garlic, tomato sauce, caffeine

Tips for Helping Acid Re-flux:

Lozenges (Cough Drops) - Stimulate saliva dilute acid in stomach
Mostly at night, wakes people up at night, most people roll off of the pillow so It doesn’t work well.
                But a big book under the bed posts’ at the head of the bed to have your head propped up to keep      the acid down at night

5 dollar fix for bad breathGreen Tea! Acts as disinfectant, prohibits bacteria from growing

Razor burn – Aloe Vera – cools, soothes, heals broken skin

Nail Fungus – Lavender Oil – Anti Fungal – Prohibits Growth couple drops under nail bed

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Maslow; Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow; Hierarchy of Needs

 Helping others to self-actualize

 Personal growth, self-fulfillment

Esteem Needs 

Achievement, status, responsibility, reputation

From self and others

Belongingness & Love Needs

Family, affection, relationships, work, groups

To be loved

Safety Needs (Security)

Protection, security, order, law, limits, clothing, income & freedom from fear

Physiological Needs (Survival)

Food, water, air, sleep, sickness, poverty, imminent danger

*The idea of this model is that the lower four levels are our basic life needs that must be met. Then the top level only can be achieved when all of the other levels are mastered or entirely satisfied.

What Is Serotonin?


I. Introduction

             1.) Today I will be sharing with you the word Serotonin
2.) I found this word while skimming the pages of my psychology book.

II. Body
1.) The psychology definition; A neurotransmitter used by systems of neurons believed to regulate sleep, dreaming, appetite, anxiety, depression, and the inhibition of violence.
The encyclopedia definition;
        Organic compound that was first recognized as a powerful vasoconstrictor occurring in blood serum.
It was partially purified crystallized and named in 1948, and its structure was deduced a year later.
    Independent work found that serotonin is also found in wasp stings, scorpion venom various nuts and fruits such as; pineapples, bananas, and plums. Its function in stings and venoms might be that of an irritant, since injections of serotonin in man produce pain at the site of injection, gasping, coughing, a general tingling sensation, nausea, cramps, and other unpleasant symptoms.

2.) A normal average adult possesses about 5-10mg of serotonin, 90% of which is in the intestine and the rest in blood platelets and the brain.

3.) During a migraine attack:
                  Serotonin levels become very low causing the blood  vessels to be unusually large. These expansions are believed to be the cause of the throbbing pain in the temple of your eye. The dramatic changes in serotonin level and reduced blood flow may be the cause of not only the head pain but also the nausea and distorted vision or speech that often accompanies a migraine.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Welcome To the Page Dedicated to Health and Medicine:)

I have created this blog to share the different ways to live better and the medicines that I have benefited from using. I will share my experiences with you and you can chose which methods work for you. Everyone is different and will have different approaches that will work for them. It is my intention to only share with you my opinions and experiences (both good and bad) with products and living and the rest is up to you:)

I hope to help people in any way I can. Feel free to post your techniques and experiences in living healthy here:) This blog is open and I encourage everyone to join and share their tips, advice, medicines ect.