Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Red Flags and Signs you Could be Aging Too Fast

Referenced From Dr. Oz: (November 2012) Warning Signs/Red Flags/Signs your Body is Aging too Fast

There are signs and symptoms (red flags) you can look out for to determine if you may have a specific aliment or health  issue!

  • If your eyes are red, it is a sign of inflammation. Therefore, this can be a sign that you have arthritis.

What is your Skin Color:

Red = Allergies, Inflammation

Blue = Not enough oxygen

Yellow = Liver Problems

Brown = Diabetes

Grey = Kidney Issues/Kidney Disease - Will not have as much blood in your body so your skin gets paler.

RED FLAGS/Warning Signs:

  • Parkinson's Disease = Loss of Smell

  • Vascular Problems = Hairless Ankles, Feet and/or Toes
  • Lung cancer = Toes that bump upward at the tips - Sign your body may not be getting enough oxygen (toes that start to change, not ones that have been that way since birth).

  • Memory Problems = Loss of Hearing

  • ADHD (Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)  = Moody for no reason, Exhausted, Anxious, Daydreaming more than you should.

         *Women symptoms are different than men:  

Traits of ADHD in Women - Internal Disruption, genetic, often doesn't appear to later in life, struggle with relationships, keep trying to try to do everything and leaves you moody, anxious and exhausted until a major life change triggers:

  • New Job = Higher level to attention to detail - unmasked 
  • Motherhood = Chores you have to do multiply, overwhelmed, (not pregnancy, after having baby).

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Free Help for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

If you or someone you know is or could be suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) there is help available FREE 24 hours a day 7 days a week at FREE.

*As seen after the television series NCIS which aired on November 20, 2012.

rotating images of service members

You can get help by multiple means, including: chatting online, texting OR calling any time for free.
"Confidential support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year through the Military Crisis Line (1-800-273-8255 and Press 1) 
online chat and text (838255). In Europe call 00800 1273 8255 or DSN 118*. 
You can also access resources and information anytime."
Free Crisis Line:
I am Active Duty/Reserve and Guard 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Western Medicine verses Alternative

Western Medicine vs. Alternative Medicine 

          The difference between healing and curing is that curing is to restore to health to take away all sickness, it is something that comes from the outside in. Healing means to combine your own beliefs into your health and feeling better, which comes from the inside. Anyone can be cured or treated with modern medicine, but in healing if you believe you will get better it will help you heal a great deal more.

          Spirituality is what you believe in. It can be anything from God to a higher power, something, and anything greater than you. It doesn't have to be religious. It relates to health and healing because if you have something that you believe is higher than yourself you can use your faith that your higher power will get you through anything. Also having something to believe in gives people hope and strength that something good will happen if they just believe. 

The basic principles of healing relationships:

Self Care-  things you can do to take care of yourself, such as, home remedies, self healing, movement, exercise, sleep, yoga, humor, therapy, music, touch or sports. 
Bio-medical Medicine-  traditional western medicine, basically doctors, surgery, medication and procedures.

Complementary/Alternative Medicine-  includes alternative healing approaches such as massage, acupuncture, chiropractic, and Tai-Chi.

In the field of helping people I believe too many times people lose sight of why they’re in that particular job they begin to treat people badly and aren't helping anyone that way. Never forget that people aren’t just “patients” or “clients” they are human beings with feelings and they need to be listened to just like you do.

The Stages of Changing a Behavior

A Person Must be Ready, Willing and Able to Change

Change - The process in which people think about, implement and maintain new behaviors (Prochaska and DiClemente, 1984).

The 5 stages have been applied to people who modified behaviors related to:
  • Smoking
  • Drinking
  • Eating
  • Exercising
  • Parenting
  • Substance Abuse and Dependence
  • Marital Communications (without a professional) 

The Five Stages of Change:

1. Pre-contemplation - Person not really considering change and do not see anything changing in the future.

2. Contemplation - Person becomes aware that a problem exists and begin to see that there are reasons to change. They begin thinking about their options.

3. Preparation - Person begins to investigate into how to change their behavior. They make decisions about what is needed to change and set goals for themselves. This is the stage where the plan to change is often shared with others'.

4. Action - A person chooses a strategy to change and begins to put it into action. The individual is actively modifying their behavior.

5. Maintenance - A person continues to make an effort to sustain the positive aspects that came from the action stage. Maintenance requires prolonged behavioral change, often 6 months to several years, depending on the targeted behavior (Prochaska and DiClemente, 1992).

In most cases, people attempting long-term behavior changes do relapse, at least once and revert to an earlier stage. When this happens, the person may repeat the steps necessary to implement the change into their lives again. This can be used as a learning experience as to which situations may need to be avoided to prevent diverting back to an undesired behavior.

Not too many people are able to implement these stages one time and not have any relapses of themselves before their change. A relapse should not be thought of as a fail but as an opportunity to start fresh and stronger.

The pace at which an individual moves through the stages is relative to the behavior attempting to be modified and the desired outcome.

Sources: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services TIP 35,

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

How to be Happy!

How to be Happy 

“A Man is as happy as he makes up his mind to be.” 
~Abraham Lincoln 

Happiness is a perception based upon an individual’s thought process (it is different for everyone). 

The amount of happiness we get from an event or experience depends upon what we are comparing it to at the time. 

OLD Phone
NEW Phone


Receiving a check for $100 when you usually earn $200 – You could view this as a less than happy event thinking that you should have earned more because that is what happened in the past OR you could be happy that you have just gotten a check for $100 when in the past you have gotten less. 

Examples: Clothing/Apparel mark-downs $49 to $20 

Cars – Your last car verses a new car 

Events – What you do for your Birthday compared to what you have done/experienced before 

A study by Psychologist Ed Deiner found that happiness comes from the amount of time a person spends feeling good, not from the momentary peaks of ecstasy. 

- We should enjoy the little/everyday things, not just the big events. 

Remembering bad things from the past has a contrast effect; makes our present seem brighter. 

Positive thinking – Try to focus your thoughts and perceptions to increase happiness. 

- Generally happy people filter out the bad things and focus on the good:)


How Stress Effects Your Health and What You Can Do


Stress is any event that strains or exceeds an individuals’ ability to cope. 

Sources (Causes) of Stress

- Frustration

- Conflict

- Pressure – stress that comes from the threat of negative events.

- Life Events and Daily Hassles – Significant events that occur in a person’s life. Examples include: Divorce, Having Children, Natural Disasters’, Crime,.

What to Do if you are Experiencing Stress:
- Reduce Caffeine

- Exercise – exercising as little as 3-4 times per week increases endorphin (feel good chemicals in brain) levels thereby reducing stress.

- Cognitive Therapy – Talking to someone (Friends, Family or a Professional).

- Journaling – Writing down sources of stress, often, provides a different perspective and helps to find solutions to stressors. Examples: A common stressor is having too many things to do with very little time. Making a list of everything you need to do can help you stay organized. Sometimes, it shows you that things weren't as bad as you’d thought.

- Turn Up the Music – Music can be a great stress relief (Go to your car and blast your favorite song;).

- Put You First – Take a short nap 

- If you cannot be alone and need a release stay in the bathroom an extra 5 or 10 minutes

- If you’re driving to/from an errand stay in the car for a few minutes and just sit and relax.

- Take some deep breaths.

- Buy a gossip magazine (focusing on other peoples drama sometimes helps escape yours’ or makes yours’ seem not too bad i.e. shaving your head (O_O)

*Remember that things could always be worse and everyday is a new opportunity to start fresh:)

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